8 Tricks for Getting Up Earlier

If you’re not a morning person, the thought of getting up early can be daunting. But there are a few tricks you can use to make it easier.

1. Set your alarm for a reasonable time. If you’re trying to get up at 5am, but you’re used to sleeping until 10am, setting your alarm for 5am is just going to make you miserable. Instead, start by setting your alarm for a more reasonable time, like 7am. Once you’re used to getting up at 7am, you can gradually start setting your alarm for earlier and earlier times.

2. Put your alarm clock across the room. This one is a bit of a pain, but it works. When your alarm goes off, you have to get out of bed to turn it off. This ensures that you’re actually awake when you get out of bed, and not just accidentally hitting the snooze button.

3. Get out of bed as soon as your alarm goes off. Don’t lie in bed and try to motivate yourself to get up. As soon as your alarm goes off, get out of bed. It’s easier said than done, but once you’re out of bed, you’re more likely to stay awake.

4. Don’t hit the snooze button. Hitting the snooze button just extendsthe amount of time you have to get out of bed. It’s better to just set your alarm for a time when you can get up without hitting the snooze button.

5. Get some sunlight. As soon as you get out of bed, open the curtains or go outside and get some sunlight. Sunlight is a natural wake-up call for your body, and it will help you feel more alert.

6. Drink some water. Your body is dehydrated when you wake up, so drink a glass of water as soon as you get out of bed. This will help you wake up and feel more alert.

7. Eat breakfast. Your body needs fuel to function, so don’t skip breakfast. Eat a healthy breakfast that will give you energy for the day.

8. Make a plan for the day. Before you go to bed, make a list of things you need to do the next day. This will help you feel more motivated to get up and start your day.